Throughout my half-century + on this earth, out of both passion and necessity, I have found myself learning and growing in more ways than I can count. As a child, I was always the curious tinkering type. Later, I learned to create and troubleshoot for a living. To do so, I had to constantly stretch my understanding of who I was and what was possible, shifting and raising the bar each and every time. Retooling, reinventing, from the inside out. Far from perfect, but always striving for excellence. I am grateful for the numerous teachers and teachings that have crossed my path, in times of good fun, challenge and change. Even in times of great adversity, the inner work and adaptation which resulted, far outweighed the suffering. I truly hope you gain something positive from my journey.

Peace Always, Frank Angelo Cavaluzzi



Founder of Team Standing Cyclist, Charity Miles Ambassador, Author, Mindful Living Practitioner…

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